Un-Intuitive Interface
I just signed up and had issues finding "where" I can add a new term.
Up to the point where I thought you are not providing this feature!
I was expecting to find it (first) ON TOP (second) of the list OF A LANGUAGE. It shouldn't matter which language list I am looking at right now. I want to add a term while I am there.
Going to my project overview and then to terms and then to scroll to the bottom to find that button? That's not really intuitive for a feature that is needed like right after you finished uploading your files.
Also it wasn't clear to me if I can see translations side by side.
Because when for example on the list for French (linked with English) I see the English word, then underneath the key and then next to the english word to the right the translation to french. However there's no "column title" telling me in this column I'll find the "French" translation.
It is especially confusing since the first 7 words I translated are the same in english and french. Unnecessary mental effort I'd say.