Plural support for Chinese
Your plural feature explicitly have Chinese disabled, which is a mistake. Even though Chinese words does not have plural forms, the phrases can be different depending on the quantity.
This book -> 这本书
These books -> 这些书
Please enable plural support for Chinese, or at least allow users to enable it manually.
Our platform manages plurals based on each language.
We try to adapt each translation to what (native) translators might expect, and guide ourselves by the same link you shared:
As you can see, Unicode recommends just one form for Chinese.
If you want custom plurals for a language, note that you can create Custom languages:
Custom languages inherit the plural forms from an existing language of your choice.
We follow the CLDR required plural rules because there is software out there that does not allow custom plural forms (and in the case custom forms appear in the language file, the software throws errors).
However, if you would like to use custom plurals, you can do this by creating custom languages ( ), and choosing to inherit the plural rules from an existing language in POEditor which has the plural forms you need.
For example, you can create a custom Chinese language, and choose to get plural rules from Arabic (which has 6 plural forms).
Since Arabic has more plural forms than you need, you can leave the forms you don't need empty, or fill them in with any text if you want the language completion in POEditor to be 100%.
Sirui commented
The CLDR spec is used for specifying the *required* plural forms. It does not disallow the ability for languages to use plural forms that are not listed.
In fact, the spec encourages implementers to provide the ability to support at least the "zero" plural forms.
> The minimal pairs are those that are required for correct grammar. So because 0 and 1 don't have to form a minimal pair (it is ok—even though often not optimal—to say "0 people") , 0 doesn't establish a separate category. However, implementations are encouraged to provide the ability to have special plural messages for 0 in particular, so that more natural language can be used:
>> None of your friends are online.
> rather than
>> You have 0 friends online.(from
It's fine to only show the required plural forms by default. But as a translation tool, other plural forms should be allowed. The translators should be able to add more plural forms manually if they are needed to improve the translations.