texts format is broken when exporting the translations
with our developers we noticed that for a text with a format on our mobile app (bold for example), when we export the POEditor translation to update the mobile app texts, the format of the text is broken.
Here is an example :
<string name="support_phone_number"><b>09 73 28 96 71</b>(Prix d'un appel local)</string>
<string name="support_phone_number">"<b>09 73 28 96 71</b>
(Prix d'un appel local)"</string>
It also breaks the links or any tags that are attached to the text label.
Kind regards
Claire Rohaut
We chose to do this as it’s a valid and recommended ( http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html#FormattingAndStyling ) way of storing HTML in Android resource files and it covers all the cases in which HTML is present. We know that <b> <i> and <u>, for example, work even if they are not escaped.
Changing this may harm the behavior of some of our clients’ applications.
From what we know on this matter, Android developers use the fromHtml() method when they expect a string that contains HTML.