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  1. Hi there, we're aware that you guys are adding support for multiple versions of the same language (you contacted us after we requested the feature a few months back).

    We'd really like to find out about costs for adding a "locale" and a language, much like Facebook's locale/language combination. This would be hugely beneficial for Facebook app developers, as well. Can you please get back to us as soon as possible?

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  2. It would be great if you can add number of translated terms and total in addition to the percentage in the list_languages API function.

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  3. When a definition is empty and only if empty, it would be nice if we can simply double-click on the definition field input to copy the term.

    We do not want to use the global 'Copy Terms to Definitions' option. On one of my project, I have about 6000 terms and only ~300-400 need a simple "copy" for a specific language.

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  4. I'm using POEditor with multiple projects in order to handle multiple resource files in a single application. This works great, but one hiccup I've encountered is that contributors sometimes forget to join all projects. I then either send them a reminder email or they ask me "where are the rest of the strings?"

    Not a big deal, but a simple solution that might streamline this would be to allow administrators to assign contributors--possibly limiting it to only those already joined in one or more projects--to other projects within your account.

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  5. This is a follow up on

    Problem is that when you upload manually the terms you can see and check the ones you are not using anymore and can decide to remove terms which are clearly to be deleted and keep others (anyway it would be also helpful to see in which languages it's already available the definition for terms to be deleted).

    With API you can't do that: or you loose the unused terms (and definitions!!) with SYNC or you keep all the old sentences.

    It would be helpful if there was an option in the REST API…

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  6. Would be interesting to have the numbers to remember where we were arrived in the translation

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  7. It would be nice if "open projects" would be listed on the homepage of Poedit with a short comment about the idea:
    one could see if there is something (s)he might help translating.

    Maybe also list of not present but wanted languages would be interesting

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  8. Ability to use our own Google API Key for machine translation lookups.

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