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  1. We would like to cache translation content, hence we want to retrieve the content via GET HTTP request (which is reasonable considering we want to retrieve data...).
    Is there a way (API) to easily retrieve data via GET requests ?

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  2. On the web, top left of the page contains navigation breadcrumbs. It would be nice if the breadcrumbs were dropdown menus, for example navigating from one language to another inside a project would be easier.

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  3. Hello,

    in one of my project I use ini-files on develop and mo-files on production, so I created this script to import ini to poeditor:

    please add it to third-party libraries, somebody will use it for this reasons and will become a little happier :-)

    Thank you.

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  4. it is pretty hard to deal with the search of a term/translation. If the term which was searched for is found, it would be great to write a page number at which it is placed.

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  5. It will be good if when contributor on reference language change, contributors in other language will be notify for the change on that terms.

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  6. Is it possible to exclude a tag when exporting ?

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  7. Hello! I need to mark a term as not translatable for other languages. It must remain the same in all languages, therefore, I want to put it only in the reference language. Can this be done? Please let me know.

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  8. hi, reading labels using tags seems to suffer a cachiing issue when adding additional tags to an already existing label. Could you please advise?

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  9. I just wanted to say that the green/blue gradients look awesome. It has a nice minimal elegant feel, nice stuff!

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  10. just wanted to congratulate you for the great app here :)

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  11. However, if that user deserve a "block", he must be in a vote, which can decide that he'll be ban or not.

    (The minimum required must be about 75% contributors of that project and any user can add another user to the vote. But, if anyone want to vote or add someone to the vote-list, they must have at least: a proof, a reason to ban and a suggestion for the user in the ban-list. If that user don't change his/her behavior for about 2 - 3 weeks, he can't contribute for that project more.)

    p/s: I want to suggest…

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  12. Hi,

    I'm currently working on a script that will synchronize the terms and translations in Poeditor with an iOS project. I have it set up to import the iOS project's .strings file to Poeditor using the REST API, and then export from Poeditor back to the iOS project.

    The idea being I can run this once per day to automatically sync the new translations and newly added unlocalized strings with Poeditor without human intervention.

    However, there's a problem. Terms added through Poeditor with a "context" field are exported to the iOS strings file with that context as a comment above…

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  13. Some companies and I have their own bitbucket servers. So a bitbucket connection to a custom address is needed.

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  14. While double clicking on a term to select it, there is always an extra blank space that gets selected, it is a minor inconvenience because I then have to delete it and if I'm pasting it into another POEditor project the space messes up the term.
    Example of my use-case in the link provided.

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  15. The project settings on the right are set and save immediately, whereas to edit things on the left, you need to press Edit Project Details first.

    I clicked several times on "Default Reference Language" trying to change it before I figured out you had to click the Edit button below. Note also that button can be below the fold depending on your screen size.

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  16. I want to import language from gitlab,,
    Could you update for me we you !?

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  17. Having an integration with would be awesome.
    They have a lot more languages than Gengo.
    I'd love to have a single button "Order all missing translations" that would tell me the price and then send off everything.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19.   <![CDATA[
            <p>En sus primeros 2 meses de vida, los bebés duermen una media de 18 horas. </p>
            <p>Esta media se va reduciendo hasta las 14 diarias de los 4 meses hasta los 18 meses.</p>
            <p>Estas medias se reparten en intervalos de sueño que dependen de las tomas del pequeño,
            de su ritmo de sueño y de si es alimentado con leche materna o de fórmula
            (estos últimos suelen dormir algo más del tirón). Como guía, según varios estudios,
            los bebés de 2 meses tienen una media de horas de sueño seguido de 6.
            Hacia los 4 meses y hasta los
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  20. Hi, you guys are doing it really well! API is just brilliant! Thank you so much for such a useful and helpful tool

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